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Monday, 10 November 2014

Home Remedies to Treat a Sunburn_Part_2_Last

 The rind of the pomegranate fruit (as well the bark of the pomegranate
tree) is an old and well-known remedy used for treating diarrhoea.

 Brown sugar is a well-known remedy for food poisoning. Usually a bad
stomach causes weakness; give the patient 4 teaspoons of sugar to renew
his energy.

 Aloe vera juice is good for treating an upset stomach. 60 grams of aloe
vera juice, taken three times a day, can have you feeling good as new
the next morning.

 Curd (or yogurt) is full of mircro-organisms that are beneficial for the
stomach and can combat the effect of harmful bacteria that causes food

 The acidic properties in lime kills bacteria, and makes it a great
natural remedy for food poisoning. 3-4 glasses of lime juice over the
course of the day will ensure you're back to normal the next morning.

 Mint or pudina is very helpful in treating food poisoning. Mint tea or a
paste of pudina leaves will help relieve stomach trouble. Combining it
with curd is doubly effective since it uses the beneficial properties of
curd as well.

 Ginger: It adds flavour to your dishes, but is also an
excellent home remedy for curing almost all types of digestive problems.
Take a tablespoon of honey with a few drops of ginger juice to reduce
inflammation and pain.

 Cumin: Cumin or jeera seeds are a good way to soothe
the inflammation in your stomach, reduce the tenderness and aid healing.
Crush a tablespoon of cumin seeds and add it to your clear soup.

 Basil: Basil is another excellent home remedy to cure
infections of both – the stomach and the throat. Strain the juice of a
few basil leaves and add it to a tablespoon of honey. It’s bound to show
positive results within a couple of hours.

 Bananas: Bananas are a rich source of potassium. They
aid recovery and reduce the effects of food poisoning to an impressive
level. Mash a couple of bananas and apple, or whip up a quick banana

 Apples: Apples are as effective against food poisoning
as they reduce heartburn and acid reflux. Apples are known to have
enzymes that inhibit the growth of the bacteria that cause diarrhea and
stomach ache.

 Lemon: The acidity of the lemon juice kills most of the
bacteria that cause food poisoning. Squeeze the juice of a lemon and
add a pinch of sugar to it. Drink it as you would take any medicine, or
you can even add lemon to your tea.

 Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal absorbs all the
unwanted gases and substances that may be harmful to the delicate lining
of the stomach, thereby aiding speedy recovery.

 Water: It is very
important to keep yourself fully hydrated during the period of food
poising, as your body tends to lose more water through diarrhea. Also,
keeping up your water content, rapidly flushes out the toxins and
bacteria, which enhances your recovery.

 Apple cider vinegar: Being alkaline in nature, vinegar,
specifically apple cider vinegar soothes the gastro-intestinal lining.
Also, it makes the environment of the stomach inhospitable for the
bacteria to breed in, which helps speed up the recovery.

Peppermint tea: It’s not just aromatherapy.
Peppermint oil is known to have a soothing effect, which is extremely
beneficial for people suffering from stomach spasms due to food
poisoning. Add a few drops to your tea; your cramps will vanish in a
couple of hours.

Do you know a great home remedy for an upset tummy? Share it with us in the comments below!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Home Remedies to Treat a Sunburn_Part_1

When the summer sun is harsh, the chances of damaging your skin with sunburn is very high. Here are a few home remedies to keep in mind.
While applying the sunscreen is the surest way to prevent one, there can be instances where you may forget to re-apply the sunscreen and suffer a sunburn. For all those moments, here’s something to help. Check out some super easy home remedies to deal with a sunburn.

 Cold milk is one of the simplest ways to deal with a sunburn. The
instant coolness of the milk will ease the heat and also create a layer
of protein to protect the skin and promote healing of the tissues.

 Potatoes are known as nature’s best pain relievers and have been used
since ages to tackle minor skin irritations like scratches, bites and
burns. The juice of a potato can be wonderfully effective in dealing
with a sunburn- it may help reduce redness and pain almost instantly.

 Cornstarch has a smooth and silky texture, and is an impressive way to
tackle a sunburn. Applying a mixture of cornstarch and water to the
affected area can relieve pain and also reduce redness.

 This one probably didn’t come as a surprise, aloe vera has been known
for its cooling and soothing properties, and is used to deal with a wide
range of skin conditions. Aloe Vera gel is thought to reduce redness
associated with a sunburn almost instantly.

 While you may not really like the idea of applying vinegar on your
sunburned back, it is actually a good way to heal sunburns and even
burned tissue. It is thought to provide relief from pain too!

 You may be gobbling this one down for your breakfast in an attempt to
shed a few pounds, but the uses of oats don’t just end there. It has
been found that the polysaccharides in oatmeal help coat and heal the
sunburned skin and keeps it hydrated and moist.

 Yogurt is often used a natural probiotic agent, but it also contains
several enzymes that help promote healing of the skin, especially
sunburned skin. If you find yourself red and sunburn, slathering on some
fresh yogurt can help you recover faster.

 Cucumber’s cooling and soothing properties make it a superstar when it
comes to dealing with skin troubles. It is thought to provide instant
relief from pain associated with a sunburn thanks to its natural
anaesthetic properties, and may also reduce redness and swelling.

 To relieve hangover
Honey is known to keep your blood sugar level
fairly constant which is what you need after last night's party. Take
two to six teaspoonfuls of honey every twenty minutes upon awaking,
depending on the severity of the hangover. Once you start feeling
better, take four tsp with your first meal. The potassium in the honey
helps counteract the effects of the alcohol. In addition, honey contains
fructose, a type of sugar that helps your body metabolise alcohol more

 To soothe mild burns and scalds
If you thought onions only had
culinary value, you certainly do not know the value of this edible bulb.
It also helps treat minor burns and scalds. Cut an onion in half and
place it on the spot until the pain subsides. Onion juice has chemicals
like sulphur compounds and quercetin that are present in many
over-the-counter drugs. Yes, you may have watery eyes due to burning but
that's a fair trade-off. Isn't it?

 To relieve headache and migraine
Who doesn't experience occasional
headaches? Most of us do. Headaches often reflect the kind of lifestyle
we maintain; too much stress and not enough rest. People also suffer
headaches due to weather changes. Use cold to help numb the pain. Hold a
bag of frozen peas on the pain site for 10 minutes. Wait for twenty
minutes and then repeat. Frozen peas bag makes a great mouldable and
reusable ice pack. The cold compresses blood vessels which eases pain.

 To reduce puffy eyes
Puffy eyes are usually the result of staying
awake till late in the night, drinking too little water or the natural
ageing process. Puffy eyes are caused when fluid is trapped in the
tissue under the eye. For any skin swelling, a cold compress is an ideal
remedy. After preparing your morning or afternoon cup of tea, place the
bags in the refrigerator until chilled. Squeeze out any excess fluid to
make sure tea water doesn't drip all over your face while you are
trying to relax. Place the bags over puffy, swollen eyes for around 10
minutes. Apart from removing puffiness, it also reduces dark circles and
makes you feel fresh.

 All of us have suffered from food poisoning at some point in life. Here are few home remedies, submitted by
may have had those mouthwatering frankies from the roadside stall, or
gobbled down a plateful of golguppas in a go, only to find severe
stomach ache and diarrhea within a couple of days. It’s probably food
poisoning you’re suffering from and you’ve caught it at least once in
your life, from the deceptively harmless looking contaminated foods.

symptoms ranging from mild to severe abdominal cramps, diarrhea,
nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness and dehydration, food poisoning is
a condition not to be ignored. Listed below are a few effective home
remedies to cure food poisoning, right from grandma’s own medicine

Tea with moti elaichi can take care of a bad stomach.

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