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Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The sleep test

Are you sleep deprived? Answer these questions to find out.

Professor Richard Wiseman has designed this simple sleep
test to help you understand whether or not you are sleep deprived. Watch
the video and find out for yourself.


If the answer to those questions is yes, try a little yoga to help you sleep better.

 Forward Bend: Swing your legs out in front of you. Bring your arms
behind your back and clasp your hands together. Hinge forward from your
hips. Bring your hands over your head.

 Child's Pose: Kneel on the floor or bed with knees apart. Rest your
chest on your thighs. Bring your arms alongside your body. Let your
forehead drop to the bed. Hold for 45 seconds to 1 minute (longer if it
feels good!).

 Knees Into Chest: Lie flat on your back. As you inhale, bend both knees into your chest. Hug your knees and rock side to side.

 Viparita karani: This posture is alternately known as Legs-up-the-wall
pose. With your back on the yoga mat, gradually extend your legs up the
wall. Keep your arms on the floor with your palms facing upwards. Close
your eyes and then gently stretch your heels by extending it towards the
ceiling. Ensure that you take long and steady breaths while performing
this technique.

 Easy Spinal Twist: Bring your left knee into your chest and let your
right leg go straight. Take a deep breath; on your next exhale, bring
the bent knee across your body, keeping your shoulder blades on the bed.
Look over your left shoulder to complete the twist. Bring both knees
into your chest and then switch sides. Your right knee comes into your
chest, and your left leg goes straight. Hold for 45 seconds to 1 minute,
then release and bring both knees into your chest.

 Corpse Pose: Relax, breathe deeply, and let the stress of the day go.

 Cobbler: Bring the soles of your feet together and hinge forward. Sit on
the floor or bed with your legs out in front of you. Bring the soles of
your feet together and your knees wide apart. Bring your heels toward
your body. Sit up straight, grab your feet, take a deep breath, and
hinge forward from your hips as you exhale. Keep your back straight;
don't force yourself down.

 Pranayama: Usually this is done in a sitting posture and involves
steady-controlled breathing. However, you may also start with a lying
posture as this will enable you to really feel your breath moving
through your body due to the floor contact. The sitting posture is done
in a comfortable, cross-legged position. Start the natural
inhalation-exhalation process and try not to engage your mind in
different thoughts. Always keep in mind to inhale only though your nose
without involving your mouth. On inhalation, fill your belly with air
and then gradually exhale using your nose. Repeat the process for around
5-6 breaths and then relax.

 Adho mukha svanasana: This technique is popularly known as the downward
facing dog. Place your palms and knees on the yoga mat with your knees
aligned directly under your hips and your hands a little ahead of your
shoulders. This posture should be such that your toes are facing
upwards. Now, exhale and slightly lift your pelvis away from the floor.
Do not allow your head to dangle freely and hold it firmly in between
your arms. Maintain this posture for minute or two and then relax.
Repeat this for a total of 5-6 times per session.

 Downward Dog

Authentic Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this video learn the practice of Downward Dog.

Butterfly Pose

Authentic Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this video learn the practice of Butterfly Pose.

Forward Bend Pose

Authentic Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this video learn the practice of Forward Bend Pose.

Child Pose

Authentic Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this video learn the practice of Child Pose.

Knees To Chest Pose

Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this
video learn the practice of Knees To Chest Pose.

Lying Down Twist Pose Left

Yoga is a collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Tara Stiles. In this
video learn the practice of Lying Down Twist Pose Left.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Foods that Build Stronger Bones_Part_2_Last

The entire human
skeleton is thought to be replaced every 10 years through the process of
bone dissolving and remodelling. But when the bone build-up lags behind
the process of bone breakdown, you’re likely to suffer from lowered
bone mass or osteoporosis. For keeping pace with bone breakdown you
should supply your body with two essential minerals: calcium and vitamin
D. The daily recommendation for calcium in adults (upto age 50) is
1,000 milligrams and vitamin D requirement is 200 international units
(IUs). Your bones form an important framework for providing structure to
your body and protecting your internal organs from direct trauma. So,
it is better that you start taking good care of them by including these
foods in your diet.

Say Cheese

From savory bleu to sharp
cheddar to creamy brie and camembert, cheese is a satisfying nosh on
it's own or a palate-pleasing addition to any dish. Portion control is
key, however, because calorie and fat counts are typically quite high.
Fortunately, a mere 1.5 ounces of cheddar gives you more than 30% of
your daily calcium needs, and other cheeses have similar values. Most
cheeses also have small amounts of vitamin D.

Scream for Ice Cream

The grandchildren
aren't the only ones who will benefit from the calcium in America's
favorite frozen dessert! Why not join the kids every now and then for a
cone in your favorite flavor? Or just have a scoop in a dish to avoid
the carbs and calories in the cone. Also, consider opting for light
versions that are lower in calories and fat.

The Egg and You

Eggs got a bad rap for a
while, but they've been largely exonerated as long as you eat them in
moderation. Along with plenty of protein in a whole egg, the yolks give
you about 6% of the vitamin D you need each day. Going for the
white-only alternative will cut fat and calories but it won't help
protect your bones.

Fortified Options, Part 1: Soy Milk

you're lactose intolerant or simply don't want to eat dairy products, a
good alternative is calcium-enriched soy milk. Half a cup has more
calcium than regular milk. Not only that, but recent research shows that
plant-based chemicals called isoflavones in the soy may increase bone

Fortified Options, Part 2: Cereal

fortified product that can help you get enough calcium is cereal.
Several brands are available including Kashi U Black Currants and
Walnuts, Total Whole Grain, and Wheaties. Add milk and you've got a
bowlful of calcium plus some vitamin D. This choice is an obvious one
for breakfast but we know single Boomers who like to have cereal as a
simple, no-cook supper as well!

Fortified Options, Part 3: Orange Juice

Tropicana's Calcium + Vitamin D, a brand of OJ that gives you both of
the bone-building nutrients right along with your vitamin C. Also,
studies have shown that the ascorbic acid in OJ may help with calcium
absorption. Fresh-squeezed, of course, isn't fortified so you're better
off skipping the juicer and buying a carton instead.

Nothing Nutty About This Choice

and almonds are packed with potassium, which inhibits the loss of
calcium in urine. Walnuts are rich in alpha linolenic acid, an omega-3
fatty acid that slows down bone loss and helps bone formation to
continue. Nuts are also good sources of protein and other nutrients that
contribute to keeping bones strong.

The Seeds of Good Bone Health

All seeds
are good sources of magnesium, a key nutrient in bone health. Pumpkin
seeds are the top contender but flax seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower
seeds are all good options and they give you lots of vitamins in the
bargain. Sprinkle seeds on salads, roast them for snacks, or add them to
recipes for a flavorful way to help keep your bones in good condition.

A Fish Story, Part 1: Salmon

A 3-ounce
serving of salmon has over 100% of your daily vitamin D needs. If you
choose canned salmon with edible bones, you'll also be getting plenty of
calcium. Either way, heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids are in the mix,
so this is a win-win option.

A Fish Story, Part 2: Sardines

canned wonders have significantly high levels of both calcium and
vitamin D. Add them to pastas and salads for their unique, savory taste
and for their nutritional value.

A Fish Story, Part 3: Tuna

Three ounces
of canned tuna give you about 39% of your daily dose of vitamin D. As
popular as it is affordable, tuna is also an excellent source of other
bone-friendly nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty

Calcium Rich Veggies, Part 1: Broccoli

can't give you all the calcium you need, but broccoli does a great job
of adding to your cache of both calcium and vitamin D along with vitamin
C, fiber, and cancer-fighting nutrients. Raw or steamed, broccoli does
your bones good and keeps you healthy in other ways as well

Calcium-Rich Veggies, Part 2: Leafy Greens

leafy greens are arguably the best non-dairy sources of calcium. Try
kale, arugula, watercress, and collard greens either cooked or in your
salads. However, while spinach gives you iron and other nutrients, it
contains oxalic acid. This makes its calcium content unavailable for
absorption by the human body.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Foods that Build Stronger Bones_Part_1

The entire human
skeleton is thought to be replaced every 10 years through the process of
bone dissolving and remodelling. But when the bone build-up lags behind
the process of bone breakdown, you’re likely to suffer from lowered
bone mass or osteoporosis. For keeping pace with bone breakdown you
should supply your body with two essential minerals: calcium and vitamin
D. The daily recommendation for calcium in adults (upto age 50) is
1,000 milligrams and vitamin D requirement is 200 international units
(IUs). Your bones form an important framework for providing structure to
your body and protecting your internal organs from direct trauma. So,
it is better that you start taking good care of them by including these
foods in your diet.

The entire human skeleton is thought to be replaced every 10 years
through the process of bone dissolving and remodelling. But when the
bone build-up lags behind the process of bone breakdown, you’re likely
to suffer from lowered bone mass or osteoporosis. For keeping pace with
bone breakdown you should supply your body with two essential minerals:
calcium and vitamin D. The daily recommendation for calcium in adults
(upto age 50) is 1,000 milligrams and vitamin D requirement is 200
international units (IUs). Your bones form an important framework for
providing structure to your body and protecting your internal organs
from direct trauma. So, it is better that you start taking good care of
them by including these foods in your diet.

Fish like salmon and sardines are rich in calcium. Moreover,
just 3 pieces of salmon fish can provide you with the entire daily
recommended allowance of vitamin D . They are also rich in omega 3 fats,
which help in lowering the rate of bone loss. Read more about health
benefits of salmon fish

Green vegetables
Green and leafy vegetables like spinach (palak),
spring onions, fenugreek (methi), cabbage (gobi), broccoli are the best
sources of calcium for people who do not consume much of dairy products
like milk, yogurt and cheese. Just one katori of cooked leafy vegetables
like spinach can give you about 25 percent of your daily calcium
requirement. Spinach is also rich in vitamin K which helps in boosting
the bone mineral density.

EggsEggs are one of the cheapest sources of good protein. But they are
also rich in vitamin D. Egg yolk can provide you with almost 6% of
vitamin D that your body requires every day.

Although oranges are mainly consumed for their richness in
vitamin C, they can also help to build healthier bones. Vitamin C or
ascorbic acid plays an important role in the absorption of calcium.

Nuts like almonds and groundnut have higher amount of potassium,
which plays a role in preventing loss of calcium through urine. Walnuts
are known for their richness in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fats are
crucial for slowing down the rate of bone loss and enhancing the process
of bone formation. Nuts are also fair sources of protein and some other
nutrients that contribute to stronger bones.

A handful of prunes or dried plums is a must have for women
who suffer from osteoporosis. They contain a fiber called inulin, which
helps in calcium absorption in the body and bone strengthening. They
also help in curing arthritis.

BananasBananas are rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium. All three nutrients help in bone strengthening.

Foods that are calcium powerhouses can boost your bone health in four ways. First, the calcium in them helps prevent the thinning that is virtually inevitable for your postmenopausal skeleton. Second, several of the foods up your intake of vitamin D, which is also important for bone health. Third, when you eat calcium-rich foods, you enhance the effect of any osteoporosis drugs you may be taking. And finally, foods with calcium content heighten the benefit of weight-bearing exercise. Supplements can't entirely make up for a lack of calcium and vitamin D in your diet, so promise yourself to add these 15 good-and-good-for-you choices to your meal plan starting today!

Get Milk!
That now-classic milk mustache ad is spot on. Just one glass of milk a day has 30% of the calcium needs for the under-50 set. Add a few more ounces if you're over 50. The jury is still out about whether skim and fat-free versions are the best choices so go ahead and have whole milk if it tastes better to you. You'll be more likely to down the recommended amount and you'll only be spending about 150 to 175 calories depending on how many ounces you drink. Look for brands with vitamin D added for even more bone-boosting benefits.

The Yogurt Advantage

Surprise! This
delicious dairy product that dates back at least to 2000 B.C. actually
has more calcium than milk. An 8-ounce serving gives you over 40% of
your daily requirement of the bone-building nutrient. Bonus: You'll also
be consuming health-promoting probiotics. A warning, however: Greek
yogurt is not fortified with vitamin D. Of course that may not be a
problem if you're eating other sources of vitamin D and getting some
sunshine for a few hours a day several times a week. Why not top your
yogurt with fruit to add even more good nutrition to your treat?

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Ubtan recipe for glowing, clear skin

Ubtan, a traditional
Indian beauty paste applied on brides-to-be a few days before the D-Day
is something that’s become a ritual of sorts! Even the grooms apply it
before the wedding. Made using natural ingredients, it helps clear the
skin and many believe it even lightens it by removing the layer of
accumulated tan. It does have several beauty benefits for your skin but
you don’t necessarily have to wait to get married to use ubtan.


How to make ubtan?

Ubtan is made using natural ingredients. Here’s what you need:

  • Gram flour or besan

  • Turmeric or haldi

  • Sandalwood powder or chandan

  • Milk

  • Rose water

Mix all these together to make a
smooth paste. It shouldn’t be too thick to apply nor too watery. Decide
the quantity based on where you want to apply it, just the face and
neck or the whole body. The paste needs to be kept till it dries and
then washed with lukewarm water.

Though these are some of the basic
ingredients, many people substitute or add other powders as well such as
neem powder, dried orange powder, lemon juice, almond powder, etc
depending on their skin type. Here are some benefits of using ubtan.

Adds a natural glow to the skin

Since ubtan consists of so many
herbal products, it is bound to show its effects sooner than later.
Applying ubtan regularly can help get rid of the tan you’ve accumulated
over the years and get a good glow in it. Besan has exfoliating
properties which helps get rid of dead skin cells which give the skin a
dull appearance. Chandan soothes the skin especially during the summer
months. And the addition of milk further enhances the complexion.

Reduces facial hair growth

Many Indian women swear by ubtan as
it helps in reducing hair growth. The paste when applied in circular
motion helps make the hair weaker from the roots and eventually leads to
a finer growth. Though it may take months to see visible results, it is
still worth the effort as it will not harm your skin. Many add ground
red lentil (masoor dal) and also orange peel powder for further
enhancing its effects. If the paste does not come off easily with water,
one can rub olive oil on the area. Don’t irritate the skin by rubbing
too hard.

Clears the skin

Ubtan is known for visibly reducing
acne scars, marks, pigmentation, etc which are often found on
sun-damaged skin. For faster results, you can mix a few drops of lime
juice in it as it has bleaching properties. This makes it all the more
effective. Using it even weekly once is good enough to give you flawless
skin. But make sure you also protect your skin from the sun by applying

Prevents ageing of skin

Who likes to see wrinkles and lines
on their face? And ubtan can help prevent them. Turmeric has
anti-ageing, anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties which can
keep wrinkles at bay. The combination of other ingredients further makes
it a strong anti-ageing potion which when applied on the skin not only
repairs it but prevent damage as well.

These days, several brands offer
ubtan powder which is a premixed powder of all the ingredients that go
in making it. All you need to do is mix it with rose water, milk, etc
and then apply the paste. You can store the powder for several months.
You can make use of this if you don’t have the time to make ubtan at

Friday, 9 May 2014

5 Easy Exercises that Guarantee You a Great Time in Bed

Physical intimacy forms an important part of married
life. It helps to strengthen the bond of love and trust between the
couple. But not all relationships have a smooth sailing in the bedroom.
There are some intimate problems that can make your personal life tad
stressful. Constant physical dissatisfaction can easily reflect in your
daily activities. Such situations often lead to couples looking for ways
to remedy this problem.

If you are one of those who have tried
pills, therapies, counselling session, etc., but are still not quite
satisfied, why not try something easier? We have five easy exercises for
you, which when done regularly, can enhance your “between the sheets”
moments dramatically! 

1. Kegel Exercise

of the most recommended and popular exercises to enhance lovemaking, is
the Kegel exercise. This form of exercise might seem very simple, but
what it does is something huge. Kegels help strengthen the pubococcygeus
(PC) muscles. These muscles support the pelvic organs, including the
reproductive ones, the rectum and the bladder. With these exercises,
women have reported much more satisfaction, as it tightens the vaginal
muscles, especially for women who have just had a baby. For men too,
these exercises help to deal with erectile dysfunction.

How to do it:

  • This is a simple exercise, which you can do anywhere anytime, either sitting or lying down.

  • As you inhale, contract your pelvic muscles, as if holding the urge to urinate.

  • Hold for a few seconds, and slowly as you exhale, release the muscles.

  • You can start with 10 to 20 squeezes a day, and work your way up to 100 to 200 squeezes every day.

2. Squats

are sure that you know how squats work wonders to shape your butt and
legs. But did you know that this rather simple, do-it-at-home exercise
can give a huge boost to your libido as well? Squats enhance blood flow
to the right places, and energise you with a healthy “drive”. Also,
while doing this exercise, several muscles are put to work, thus
building stamina as well.

How to do it:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.

  • Keeping
    your back straight, bend your knees slowly. In a controlled manner,
    gradually lower yourself down. While you go lower, stretch your hands
    straight in front of you.

  • Keep the weight steady on your feet and upper thighs, and not on your knees. Pretend sitting on an imaginary chair.

  • Try to maintain this position for 8-10 breaths.

  • Slowly come back to the original standing position.

  • You can hold light weights in your hands to make it more intensive. 

3. Pelvic Lifts

is a move that will not only boost blood flow to enhance your
performance, but also strengthen the muscles that are most involved
during the act. It helps make the core muscles and the lower back

How to do it:

  • Lie down on your back, with knees bent and feet on the ground, shoulder-width apart.

  • Gradually lift your pelvic region, keeping your hands by your sides.

  • Hold your abdominal muscles and tighten the glutes. Lift yourself higher, with shoulders firm.

  • Hold the posture for 5-10 seconds.

  • Slowly get back to the lying down position.

4. Bicep Curls

might wonder how working out your arms can boost your act in the
bedroom. But here is the surprise- apart from toning up your arms, this
strength exercise releases testosterones, which is a major hormone
responsible to enhance the “desire and drive”.

How to do it:

  • Take a pair of weights, one in each hand.

  • Slowly lift your arm, bending at the elbow and curling up.

  • Repeat 15 times, without giving any jerks and breathing steadily. 

5. Aerobic exercises (done together)

have been numerous studies to show that when couples workout together,
their physical bonding increases, and lovemaking improves drastically.
The best way to make the most of your fitness routine is by doing some
form of aerobic activity together. Running, cycling, jogging, swimming
or dancing, are great options.

Aerobic activity helps to boost testosterone, especially in the
middle-age when the hormone declines. And, as we mentioned before,
testosterone is very important when it comes to making love. That apart,
aerobic exercises also help you stay in perfect shape, which again, is
something that can increase the desire to get intimate.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Ways to Prevent the Common Cold

With the dip in temperature, everyone seems to be getting the common cold. Here are a few ways you can prevent yourself from the awful cold this winter.

Garlic: Including garlic in your diet during the winters will relieve you of the common cold. Garlic is said to have antiviral properties. Make sure you have at least one garlic clove a day to keep yourself healthy and free of infections during this weather.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a must during the colder months. A vitamin C supplement is a useful weapon in your cold-fighting arsenal. You can also include vitamin C rich fruits and veggies in your daily diet to combat the cold. Fruits rich in vitamin C include oranges, kiwi and lemon.

Chilies: Switching to spicy food during the cold weather is the safest bet. It not only takes care of the cold, but also prevents you from getting other diseases which are quite common in this weather.

Wash your hands: It is very important to wash your hands everyday to prevent catching a cold. This is the time when everyone catches a cold and when you are travelling or you are outside your home; you are more susceptible to getting exposed to infections. It is very easy to then transmit the germs and infect yourself. Thus always remember to wash your hands before you prepare food or after you shake your hands with someone.

Use tissues: Another way to prevent a cold during the winter months is to use tissues. We all are caught on occasions by a sneeze, and it’s really disgusting to see how some people don’t cover while sneezing. And they manage to spread the germs everywhere. Thus keep a pack of tissues handy in your bag or at your workplace and dispose it off after use.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Tips for Damage-Free Hair

Those 100 brush strokes, that anti-dandruff medicated shampoo, countless
trips to the salon to get the ‘right’ colour —unknowingly many of us
damage our hair to the point that simply needs to be chopped off. Hair
damage is not always ‘visible’ to the eye — symptoms include hair that’s
dry and dull, limp locks that refuse to look bouncy, split ends, an
itchy scalp, weak hair that often breaks off, hair fall (from the roots)
and/or hair that feels rough and scaly to touch. Simple mistakes often
cause hair damage. The more obvious ones include too many chemical
treatments such as perms, rebonding and colouring and too much heat
styling (be it your trusty dryer or those wonder-curlers and
flat-irons). What aggravates the damage are unhealthy hair habits such
as excessive fiddling, brushing, tight hair accessories and even a
rough-and-hurried towel rub to get those locks dry. Using a battery of
poor quality hair care and excessive sun exposure also add to hair woes.

Preventive tips
Dr Rohini Wadhwani, medical director, Skin Essentials, shares a few tips to ensure your hair remains damage-free.
Always use a hair care range suited for your hair type. If you colour
your hair on a regular basis, use a colour-protective range that not
only locks in the hair colour and keeps your hair glossy, but also
repairs hair strands inside out by filling in the gaps left by broken
hair protein.
2. Gentle combing to get the tangles out is fine as is blow-drying on the coolest possible setting on your hairdryer.
3. Always condition your hair thoroughly a week before the colour treatment to ensure as much damage prevention as you can.
4. While
shampooing the colour off, use lukewarm or tepid water. Hot water will
strip even more moisture from your hair, making it dry and lifeless.
5. Keep a gap of at least a month between colour applications and try to use semi permanent colours as opposed to permanent.

Go Fibre-Active
damage exists not only on the outer layer where the oils can be
stripped but also in the heart of the hair strand, where chemicals, sun
and ill-treatment can break the protein bonds of the hair, making it
weak and porous. Fibre actives fill in those gaps giving you noticeably
smoother, shinier and tangle-free hair after just a few washes. Fibre
actives basically repair the damaged hair protein in the heart of the
hair. This makes your hair smoother to touch, reduces flyaways and gives
you frizz-free and tangle-free hair.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Yoga for Diabetics

Diabetes is increasingly becoming the urban Indian’s bane. While most
doctors suggest a balanced sugar-free and starch-free diet apart from
medication, diabetics can get added benefit from yoga. Not only does
regular yoga help with weight loss — the most effective recommendation
for Type 2 diabetes control — certain asanas can stimulate the pancreas
to produce sufficient insulin for controlling the sugar level in the
body. Says yoga trainer Yogesh Charan, “Certain postures restore the
pancreatic cell and also stimulate them to secrete insulin.” Incorporate
the following techniques into your daily exercise to keep diabetes in

 Kapalbhati: The vigorous and powerful breathing
exercise and the stomach movements in Kapalbhati (a pranayama technique)
stimulate the pancreas.
Method: Sit in the gyan
position, i.e. cross-legged with a straight spine, stomach pulled in and
arms on the lap with the thumb and fingertips meeting. This position
aligns the spine with the back of your head. Relax your stomach muscles.
Now expel the air as forcefully as you are comfortable with through the
nose. This should cause the abdominal muscles to contract sharply and
should draw the abdomen inwards towards the spine (like when you suck in
your stomach). Then allow the inhalation to occur completely passively
without any additional effort. To repeat, the exhalation is done using
conscious sharp force, while the inhalation is just a recoil action
bringing the air back into the lungs. All the breathing takes place
through the nose. Right after the passive inhalation, exhale again
forcefully and continue at a steady rhythm. Do 10 rounds of 20-25
repetitions each.

Vajrasana: This position promotes stomach movement and thus helps stimulate the pancreas.
Sit in the namaz position with folded legs and clutched fists. Place
your hands on your thigh pressing into your stomach and bend forward
while exhaling. Pull your body back into the upright position and
inhale. Remain in each position for at least two minutes and repeat this
routine 10-15 times if you are a beginner.

Sarvangasana: It is very important to break down the
sugar in the blood through calorie-burning exercises. Charan suggests,
“Instead of just taking a walk every morning, alternate it with other
calorie-burning yogasanas like sarvangasana.”

Method: Lie
flat on your back. Inhale deeply while slowly raising your legs. Lift
your hips and legs vertically upwards till your toes point to the
ceiling. Hold the pose as long as you are comfortable while breathing
slowly and deeply through your abdomen. To come out of the posture, bend
your knees and place your palms on the floor. Slowly curve the spine,
gradually unfolding your body the way a carpet unrolls. When your entire
back touches the floor, straighten the knees, take a deep breath and
slowly lower your legs to the ground while breathing out.

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