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Monday 5 May 2014

Most Amazing Beauty and Health Benefits of Cucumbers

One of the most used vegetables in salads and
sandwiches, cucumber is often referred to as "a super food". This green
vegetable is a sure shot favourite with all those who are health
conscious. What’s more? This is one veggie that finds its way in most
Indian homes, especially when summers arrive. Well, let us tell you some
exciting health and beauty benefits of cucumber that will make you pick
it up right now. Take a look:

Beauty benefits

For a fairer glow

Cucumber is known to have slight bleaching properties that can help
you to get rid of skin tanning, and leaves your skin glowing. Cucumber
paste is also a great natural remedy to treat sun burn.

For rejuvenated skin

The high amount of water content in cucumber flushes out toxins from
your system and hydrates your skin, and helps to tackle skin woes.

For your complexion

The silica present in this wonder vegetable improves skin complexion
and makes skin radiant. Grate a cucumber and squeeze the juice. Dab it
on your skin with clean cotton balls, and wash your face with cold water
after 10 minutes. You will in no time notice the glow! It will also
take care of freckles and sunburn. The silica also makes the nails

For acne marks

To lighten acne marks, prepare a mixture of cucumber juice and lemon
juice and apply it on acne scars. But, don’t expect immediate results.
Improvement will be noticeable over a course of time.

For smooth skin

For a blemish-free skin, blend a cucumber until it is entirely
liquid, and then add rosemary essential oil and egg white in it. Apply
this paste evenly on your face, and wash it off after 15 minutes.

For anti-ageing benefits

It is filled with antioxidants, like Beta-carotene and lutein, which
help to fight free radicals in your body. This provides protection to
the skin against the signs of ageing.

For your eyes

Cucumber skin contains vitamin C and caffeic acid, both of which
prevent water retention and reduce skin irritation. This explains why
cucumber slices work as natural eye pads, and are used topically to
tackle puffiness around your eyes. 

Hair care benefits

Conditions chlorine-damaged hair

Love to go for a swim, but have an overriding anxiety that chlorine
will damage your hair? Worry no more! Dive into the pool fearlessly, but
before that prepare a conditioner to counter chlorine damage.

You will need:

  • 1 cucumber (peeled)

  • 1 egg

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

Blend cucumber, egg and olive oil, and evenly apply this mixture
on your hair. Leave it on for 15 minutes before thoroughly rinsing it
off.  Use it regularly for best results.

Hair strengthening remedy

Drinking cucumber juice will provide your body with silicon, sodium,
calcium, sulphur, etc., all of which are the nutrients that are needed
for hair growth and hair strengthening. What’s more? Rinse your hair
with cucumber juice regularly to get silky, shiny hair.

Cucumber tackles cellulite problems

If you are looking for natural ways to tackle cellulite problems,
then let cucumbers be your go-to food. Eating cucumbers helps to treat
cellulite. What’s more? Rubbing its slices on the problem area, can help
you to get rid of cellulite. You can also prepare a paste of cucumber
juice, grounded coffee and honey, and apply it on the problem area. Wrap
this with a muslin cloth for 30 minutes, before exfoliating and rinsing
it off.

Hydrates the body from inside

With a sudden spike in temperature, the only way to fight dehydration
is drinking ample amount of water, but if you are too busy, eat
cucumbers, as they contain over 90 per cent water. This helps in
flushing the toxins out of your system for good, and keeping the
internal system clean.

Aids in weight loss

Being high in water content and low in calories makes it perfect for
those who are trying to lose weight. Cucumber is one of the best sources
of dietary fibre, as its flesh, seeds and membranes contain high amount
of nutrients. Also, it contains no saturated fats or cholesterol.

Fights bad breath

Dental care routine includes brushing twice a day and flossing, but
ever thought of adding cucumbers? Cucumbers contain a phytochemical that
is known to fight the anaerobic bacteria that cause bad breath. Cut a
slice of cucumber and hold it on the roof of your mouth with the help of
your tongue, for about 30 seconds. Try it to believe it!

Cures hangovers and headaches

Sort your nightmare of having a hangover before you doze off after a
night of merrymaking. Cucumbers contain electrolytes, vitamin B and
sugar. So, eat a few slices before going to bed, to replenish your
system with these essential nutrients. This helps in reducing the
severity of headache the morning after.

Other benefits:

  • The minerals present in cucumber regulate the body’s blood pH levels and neutralises the acidity.

  • It keeps uric acid in check, which is known to cause inflammation
    in the joints and  the silica strengthens connective tissues of the

  • Its seeds are diuretic and broom the gut to alleviate constipation.

  • It also contains compounds called sterols that keep a check on cholesterol level.

  • Potassium, fibre and magnesium in this veggie regulate blood pressure.

  • Lariciresinol, pinoresinol and secoisolariciresinol present in
    cucumber are known to reduce the risk of various cancers, including
    breast, ovarian, prostate and uterine.

  • Last, but not the least, cucumbers also help to relieve stress.
    Eating this amazing vitamin-rich veggie can help to regulate the
    functioning of adrenal glands. This is known to counter the effects of
    stress on your body.

Don’t we now have enough reasons to include more of cucumbers
in our diets? Make the most of this wonder vegetable, and cruise your
way to a healthful life!

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