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Monday 26 January 2015

Cheer-Up 10 Common Foods That Improve Your Mood

In today’s fast and cutthroat competitive world, depression is a common problem. It begins with little anxieties, and then spreads into a big health issue. Well, there are many things that you can do to make sure that you find your way out of such feelings as quickly and 'positively' as possible. And, one such thing that you can try at this time is, eat foods that will make you and your body happy. Yes, you might find it surprising but you can actually eat your way out these unhappy times. Here are some tasty solutions to fight away those "blue" feelings in a healthy way.

Strawberries are a good source of potassium, which helps in the generation of nerve impulses. It is also a rich source of vitamin C, which also help in changing our mood for better.

Like strawberries, bananas are also rich in potassium. They also contain tryptophan, which helps in the production of the "happy hormones", serotonin, in your body. Apart from this, once the natural sugars that are present in bananas are released into your bloodstream they leave you feeling more energetic.

Sunflower seeds contain selenium and magnesium. These compounds are believed to give you an instant 'feel-good' rush. Also, these seeds are rich in amino acids that help in serotonin production, which is a hormone known to be associated with good mood.

Cherry Tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes can be like soothing music to your brain. They are a rich source of lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant, which reduces inflammation in the brain and is good for your mental health.

Oregano is good for more than just pizza seasoning. It contains caffeic acid, quercitin and rosmarinic acid. These compounds are known to be effective in combating depression. They also help you in rejuvenating and calming down.

Eggs contain zinc, vitamin B, iodine, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. All these compounds, present in eggs in various amounts, are good for brain activity and also give you an energy boost.

Asparagus is rich in folate and tryptophan. According to a recent research, low levels of folate is a condition found common in half of the cases of depression. On the other hand, our brain uses Tryptophan to produce serotonin, which is a mood-stabilising neurotransmitter.

We all know that honey scores over regular sugar when it comes to health issues. Honey contains compounds such as kaempferol and quercetin, which reduce brain-inflammation. This helps in preventing depression and keeps brain healthy. Honey is also better for your blood sugar levels.

Coconuts contain medium-chain triglycerides. These are special fats that generate better moods and are good for general health of the human brain.

Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolates have anadamine, which improves the blood flow to the brain. Chocolates are also good for an instant boost in mood and energy. However, as chocolates are rich in calories, we suggest, you should not go overboard with this one.
Apart from snacking on these mood-friendly foods, you can also try some mood-boosting yoga poses. And for that, Also Read: 5 Best Yoga Poses to Boost Your Mood

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