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Saturday 30 November 2013

Foods That Make You Stink

We spend not less than thousands on a good perfume. For
most men smelling right is very important; after all it adds to your
confidence! But have you ever noticed that post-lunch even if you don’t
sweat you smell of something odd? It is not always necessary that body
odour is the result of excessive sweating; your food can also be a
reason behind it. We tell you of foods that might want to avoid before
stepping into a meeting.


   Red Meat: Irrespective of how delicious red meat looks on the plate,
regular intake of it can lead to the foulest body odour. Meat takes a
long time to get digested and, in the meanwhile, releases toxins in the
blood that cause this odour. Try cutting down on your meat intake and
replace it with sea food or veggies. The worst thing you can do to
yourself is consuming red meat for dinner, avoid it completely.


Junk food: Stacking up on junk food is a mere adjustment that you do
catch up with your fast track life. But this adjustment makes your body
stink. Processed foods have sugar, oil and other preservatives that lead
to body odour. Like red meat, junk food also takes a long time to get
digested and eventually rots in your intestine. You might enjoy your
burgers and fries for a quick bite but it is sure not the best smelling
bid that you can get.


     Coffee: You must have noticed this yourself
a lot. Coffee gives you bad breath as it increases the acidity in your
body. Caffeine may help you fight lethargy but will sure leave a bad
smell in your mouth. Most of you love your coffee and smoke breaks but
it only makes your co-workers' day worst as they need to bear the
pungent odour with a smile.


    Dairy products: Milk in itself has a
smell that not everyone can stand. Dairy products contain protein which,
when assimilated, is broken down into sulphurous by-products that lead
to bad breath. A glass of milk before bed can be a good idea but brush
your teeth post that, as your partner might not like that rotten
egg-like smell.


    Onion: This is a well-known fact that eating raw
onions leads to bad breath. But a few people simply love their salad
with lot of onions. Eating a large amount of onion can make you stink
real bad. While digesting raw onion, your body releases sulphurous gas
which gets absorbed in your blood, making you perspire. Though it is
good to eat raw onions during summers make sure you don’t eat excess of
it or else you will smell like an onion yourself!


    No one likes to sit next to person who smells like a rotten egg. So wear the best of your fragrances and avoid eating the foods we mentioned right before a meeting or a date. Popping mint can be a good option but avoid chewing gums. And we don’t need to remind you to avoid smoking right after your meal as it will only make things worse for you.

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