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Wednesday 20 November 2013

Nighttime Habits that Ruin Your Sleep and Health

You slip under the covers, turn off the light, and
rest your head on your pillow. Seems simple and perfect, but here are
some things you could be doing in bed that harm your health.

Mentho-lyptus Sleepover

If you suffer from a chronic cough, cold, sinus infection, or postnasal
drip, sucking on a cough drop may be the only way you can get some
sleep without coughing keeping you up. Although soothing to your throat,
exposure to a bath of sugar all night long is sure to lead to tooth
decay and cavities. Here are other natural remedies for your nighttime coughs. If the cough persists, it's time to see your doc.

No Wonder My Jaw Hurts

Many people unknowingly clench their jaws or grind their teeth at
night, which can lead to tension headaches, earaches, irritated tissue
on the inside of your cheeks, jaw pain, and permanent damage to your
teeth in the form of chips and worn-down enamel that cause sensitivity
or cracks. Stress can be a factor, so reducing the amount of worry in
your life can help. If it doesn't, see your dentist about designing your
own personal mouth guard to sleep with. Not exactly the sexiest thing
to wear to bed, it's sure to offer you a more restful and less painful
night of sleep.

Cheers Before Bed

While a glass of wine has relaxing effects, the alcohol can interfere
with your body's sleep patterns. Even thought it might help you fall
asleep faster, polishing off too much right before bed tends to cause
tossing and turning during the night. Plus a morning after drinking
almost always makes you feel groggy, which means you're more likely to
skip the workout that both boosts your immune system and helps you sleep
better that night.

Just One More Round of Candy Crush

Whether you're playing on your phone, sending one last email, or
checking in on Facebook, staring at a bright screen right before bed
stimulates your brain, making it harder for the body to unwind, relax,
and sense that it's time for bed. Not to mention, forgetting to put your
phone on mute can also mean getting woken up by that alarming "you've
got mail" ding. If you want to get lost in something, open a relaxing
book, do some yoga, or meditate instead.

Who Knows How Old It Is?

Aside from being unsupportive and leading to neck or back pain, dust
mites love hanging out in old pillows. Even if you don't suffer from
allergies, it's not healthy to breathe in dust mites all night long.
Replacing bed pillows every few years is recommended, but if you find
they're lumpy, need to be fluffed up often, or have an interesting odor,
you'll want to splurge on new ones more often. Zip an allergy cover
over your new pillow to protect dust mites from moving in.

I Can't Sleep!

If you're not getting enough quality sleep, you're at a greater risk of sickness,
weight gain, impaired memory, increased blood pressure, moodiness, and
skipped workouts from lack of energy. All of these contribute to poor
health, so it's important to figure out what's preventing your insomnia
in order to get a solid amount of z's.


With temps dropping outside, your natural instinct is to turn up the
temp inside, but cranking the heat dries the air, causing sore throats
and nighttime coughing. You'll sleep much better in a cool room (around
60 degrees) - just throw on an extra blanket.

Come on In, Fluffy!
Who doesn't want to snuggle with something soft and furry? But allowing your four-legged family member into your bed means dust mites and fleas
(if your pet has them) will also be sleeping with you. Pets can also be
disruptive during the night, sleeping on your head, licking your face,
and doing other adorable things that interrupt your sleep.

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